BioZues® Ⅲ Reverse Transcriptase
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Product Details

BioZues® Ⅲ Reverse Transcriptase is obtained through genetic engineering technology on the basis of M-MLV (H-) Reverse Transcriptase, its thermal stability is greatly improved, It can withstand reaction temperatures above 50°C and is suitable for reverse transcription of RNA templates with complex secondary structures. At the same time, the enzyme has enhanced affinity with the template, which is suitable for the reverse transcription of a small amount of template and low-copy genes. In addition, Reverse Transcriptase has also significantly improved the ability to synthesize full-length cDNA, and can amplify cDNA up to 10 kb.


High thermal stability, suitable for RNA templates with complex secondary structures; high template affinity, suitable for a small number of templates and low copy genes; high synthesis ability, can amplify cDNA up to 10 kb.

